BK21 사업참여 교육연구단(팀)
학과(부) 교육연구단(팀) 교육연구단(팀)장 홈페이지
고고문화인류학과 문화·문명의 연구와 활용을 통한 인류세 지역위기극복 교육연구단 임경택
기계시스템공학과 Intelligence 기반 정밀 부품장비 시스템엔지니어양성사업팀 김대석
기록관리학과 사회적 포용을 실천하는 호모 디-비블로스(Homo D-Biblos) 양성 사업단 김건
나노융합공학과 나노융복합 에너지 혁신 소재·부품 인재양성사업단 김학용
농축산식품융합학과 동식물 위해요소 제어 그린바이오 인재양성 연구단 김재수
무역학과 B2G(본투글로컬) 프론티어 미래무역인재양성사업팀 김민호
바이오나노융합공학과 바이오나노융합기술 신산업 육성 혁신인재양성사업단 이동원
반도체·화학공학부 반도체 화학공학 교육연구단 윤영상
사회복지학과 지역혁신을 위한 미래복지 인력양성 사업단 윤명숙
사회학과 파편사회의 사회적 연대와 통합 설동훈
생리활성소재과학과 생리활성융합소재 혁신인재양성사업단 장용석
심리학과 초고령 사회에 필요한 심리서비스 전문가 양성단 이영순
에너지저장·변환공학과 수소에너지 융복합기술 혁신인재양성사업단 유동진
영어영문학과 차세대 (동)남아시아 전문 인재양성을 위한 포용과 다양성의 영어영문학 정진완
유연인쇄전자공학과 차세대 플렉서블 인쇄전자 연구팀 강재욱
의과학과 21세기형 의과학 창의인재양성 교육연구단 김종석
전자정보공학부 JIANT-IT 인력양성사업단 이지훈
전자정보재료공학과 스마트 전자정보소재 인재양성팀 유연태
중어중문학과 한중 상관문헌 연구를 통한 지용합일(知用合一) 실천 미래인재양성 교육연구단 최남규
화학과 글로컬 미래 화학 인재 교육 연구팀 김정곤
환경에너지융합학과 글로컬 자원순환 환경교육연구단 백기태

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  • The Best Glocal University
    Future-leading University,
    Global Top 100 JBNU
    More than 2,200 students are dedicated to their studies and research in 116 departments across three master's programs and 110 departments across two doctoral programs on the Jeonju campus, as well as in seven master's programs and six doctoral programs on the specialized campus.
  • The Best Glocal University
    Innovation-leading Global
    Graduate School for
    Advanced Creative Talent
    Our graduate school is committed to fostering global talents who will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution era under the goal of "researching and developing professional academic theories and their application methods, teaching the highest level of knowledge and skills, inheriting and fostering local traditional culture, and realizing the educational welfare of residents.
  • The Best Glocal University
    Future-leading University,
    Global Top 100 JBNU
    More than 2,200 students are dedicated to their studies and research in 116 departments across three master's programs and 110 departments across two doctoral programs on the Jeonju campus, as well as in seven master's programs and six doctoral programs on the specialized campus.
  • The Best Glocal University
    Innovation-leading Global
    Graduate School for
    Advanced Creative Talent
    Our graduate school is committed to fostering global talents who will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution era under the goal of "researching and developing professional academic theories and their application methods, teaching the highest level of knowledge and skills, inheriting and fostering local traditional culture, and realizing the educational welfare of residents.
  • The Best Glocal University
    Future-leading University,
    Global Top 100 JBNU
    More than 2,200 students are dedicated to their studies and research in 116 departments across three master's programs and 110 departments across two doctoral programs on the Jeonju campus, as well as in seven master's programs and six doctoral programs on the specialized campus.
  • The Best Glocal University
    Innovation-leading Global
    Graduate School for
    Advanced Creative Talent
    Our graduate school is committed to fostering global talents who will lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution era under the goal of "researching and developing professional academic theories and their application methods, teaching the highest level of knowledge and skills, inheriting and fostering local traditional culture, and realizing the educational welfare of residents.

Academic schedule+


  • 10Month 02Day(Wed)1/4th of class days
  • 10Month 15Day(Tue)school anniversary
  • 10Month 16Day(wed) ~ 10Month 18Day(fri)Application for examination of general graduate school master's thesis
  • 10Month 31Day(Thu)2/4 class days

Address : 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk State, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-(0)63-270-2859

Copyright 2023. Jeonbuk National University. All RIGHTS RESERVED.

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